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Newport Girls' High School

Newport Girls' High School

Situated in Newport, a market town in Shropshire, Newport Girls’ High School (NGHS) is a selective academy for girls. The school holds specialized status in both maths and computing and organizes students into three houses (Seacole, Roddam, and Austen), fostering healthy competition in various activities throughout the academic year.

NGHS offers a diverse range of curricular opportunities, including humanities, languages, performing arts, science, and design technology. The well-rounded educational provision is supported by experienced staff who adapt to various learning styles and abilities in accordance with the school’s progressive ethos.

Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) lessons are incorporated to acquaint girls with their civic responsibilities, enhancing their abilities to form meaningful relationships and ensure the safety of themselves and others. This program also cultivates awareness of significant issues prevalent in modern society, with a particular emphasis on understanding democratic principles and respecting differences.

The co-curricular activities add an extra layer to the learning experience, bringing diversity and enrichment to the school. A multitude of clubs and societies aim to ignite enthusiasm and foster a sense of joy, spanning from orchestra, Cultural Celebration Club, and saxophone ensemble to fashion & textile club, choir, and Japanese club.

NGHS recently achieved a noteworthy academic milestone by surpassing its own historical record, with an impressive 90% of GCSEs at grades 7-9. This accomplishment solidifies Newport Girls’ High School's position as a highly sought-after institution in the region, recognized for strong results that strive to establish a new national benchmark for excellence.

County / Area:
Girls Grammar

A catchment area is established with priority given based on the proximity and distance from the school.

Number of places in Year 7:
Total number of students:
5 applicants for every place
Newport Girls' High School Academy, Wellington Road, Newport, UK
11+ Exam Details:
Exam Board/Format:
The 11 Plus Exam format for Newport Girls’ High School is devised by GL. All Grammar Schools in Birmingham employ the same 11 plus exam. The structure of the exam is as follows:

Paper 1: This is a one-hour examination encompassing English, Verbal Reasoning, Maths, and Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning sections. All questions are presented in a multiple-choice format, with an untimed practice section at the beginning of each section.

Paper 2: Also lasting one hour, this paper includes sections on English, Verbal Reasoning, Maths, and Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning. Similar to Paper 1, all questions are in a multiple-choice format, and there is an untimed practice section at the beginning of each segment.

The admission test for Newport Girls’ High School will be administered by the Consortium of grammar schools in Shropshire, Walsall, and Wolverhampton, which is part of the broader West Midlands Grammar Schools partnership. The West Midlands Grammar Schools 11+ exam comprises two papers, each with a duration of approximately 50-60 minutes, including time allocated for instructions and sample questions. The papers encompass the following subjects:

- English Comprehension

- Verbal Reasoning

- Mathematics

- Non-Verbal + Spatial Reasoning

The English Comprehension paper evaluates comprehension skills, including inference, and does not include a writing component.

The Verbal Reasoning section of the exam assesses logical thinking, proficiency in the English language, and vocabulary.

The Mathematics paper measures problem-solving abilities and arithmetic skills, featuring questions on number, measurement, geometry, algebra, and statistics.

The examination also covers Non-Verbal Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning, both designed to test logic and intelligence.

Exam Date:
Registration Starts:
Registration Closes:
September 2024
May 2024
June 2024

You will receive the results either through email, an online link, or a letter dispatched via first-class post.

How to prepare:

We run specialist 11+ online courses focussing on the GL Assessment (English Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Mathematics & Non-Verbal Reasoning + Spatial Reasoning).  The sessions are online and highly interactive.  Speak to us about how we can help your child.

Mock Exams: Our mock exams are designed to reflect the real exam in complexity and format.  Click here to view the mock exam schedule.

Practice Papers: Practice packs designed to help your child master the entire syllabus.

Why Progress Academy for 
Newport Girls' High School
I highly recommend for progress academy.

My daughter got 1st position in City. Academy course is very intensive and thorough.Throughout the year , she was give home work and helped in classes. She disnt find difficultly in the actual test.
Best wishes - Sanam S
Practice Material:
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