The Henrietta Barnet School
The Henrietta Barnet School
The Henrietta Barnet School (HBS) is a non-denominational grammar school catering to girls aged 11-18. In April 2012, it attained Academy status. Nestled in the serene environs of the Hampstead Garden Suburb, the school occupies an enchanting Lutyens-designed Grade II Listed Building. A noteworthy demographic feature is that nearly 75% of its students come from diverse ethnic backgrounds, with over half the girls believed to have a first language other than English.
County / Area:
Girls Grammar
Barnet, London
No Catchment
Oversubscription criteria considers the distance to school from applicant's address (3 mile radius)
Number of places in Year 7:
Total number of students:
More than 10 applicants for every place
Central Square, London NW11 7BN, UK
11+ Exam Details:
Exam Board/Format:
GL Assessment (Verbal, Non Verbal & English)
GL Assessment designs the 11 Plus Exam format for Henrietta Barnett School, which consists of a two-stage process structured as follows:
Stage 1
Paper 1: English
A 30-minute English paper, which comprises 5 minutes for initial planning, followed by a 25-minute multiple-choice test.
Paper 2: Verbal Reasoning
A 25-minute Verbal Reasoning Paper, consisting of a 5-minute practice test followed by 34 multiple-choice questions.
Paper 3: Non-Verbal Reasoning
An 8-minute Non-Verbal Reasoning Test comprises two 4-minute subtests, with an initial untimed practice section.
Stage 2
If your child is successful, they will receive an invitation to participate in Stage 2.
Paper 1: Mathematics
A 60-minute Mathematics Paper is divided into two sections. The first half consists of free-response questions, while the second half comprises multiple-choice questions.
Paper 2: English
A 30-minute English Comprehension Paper incorporates both comprehension and creative writing questions.
Exam Date:
Registration Starts:
Registration Closes:
Stage 1: September 2024
April 2024
July 2024
Getting into HBS is no walk in the park - the competition is fierce.
Performing exceptionally well on exams is a make-or-break factor for success at this school.
Only the top 300 candidates from the Stage 1 exam will advance to the Stage 2 test.
How to prepare:
We run specialist 11+ online course focusing on the GL Assessment (English, Verbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning) for Round 1 and English and Mathematics for Round 2.
Speak to us about how we can help your child.
Mock Exams: Our mock exams are designed to reflect the real exam in complexity and format. Click here to view the mock exam schedule.
Practice Papers: Practice packs designed to help your child master the entire syllabus.