Wilson's School
Wilson's School
Wilson's School, located in the London Borough of Sutton, is a grammar school for boys with academy status. Recently recognized as the fourth highest-performing school nationally for GCSE results by the Telegraph, it upholds a selective approach. The school cultivates a culture of elevated expectations and tailors its curriculum accordingly. Key subjects like mathematics, PSHE, computing, and science are integral to the curriculum, promoting the embrace of intellectual challenges as crucial to building academic confidence.
The school's diverse co-curricular program complements its comprehensive educational offerings, adeptly catering to the evolving interests of the student body. Activities such as debating, music theory, chess, CCF, badminton, and football are just a glimpse of the options available, maximizing the benefits of the learning experience for the holistic development of the pupils.
County / Area:
Boys Grammar
London – Borough of Sutton
No catchment Area
Nevertheless, when faced with the scenario where two or more candidates possess identical standardized scores, the school takes into account the proximity to the school as a determining factor in offering a place.
Number of places in Year 7:
Total number of students:
10+ applicants for every place
Wilson's School, Mollison Drive, Wallington, UK
11+ Exam Details:
Exam Board/Format:
Stage 1 : SET (English and Maths) - Multiple Choice format
Stage 2 : English and Maths (Set by the school)
The 11 Plus Exam format for Wilson's Grammar School is the Selective Eligibility Test (SET), a common examination for all schools in the London Sutton area that enables entry. Upon successful completion of stage 1, candidates are invited to participate in stage 2. The exam structure is outlined below.
Stage 1:
Paper 1: A 45-minute mathematics paper comprising 50 multiple-choice questions.
Paper 2: A 50-minute English test with four sections. Section A involves spelling and lasts for 5 minutes. Section B is a 25-minute comprehension. Section C is another comprehension lasting 10 minutes. Section D, a comparison of two passages, takes 10 minutes.
Stage 2:
Paper 1: A 45-minute mathematics paper with 21 free-response questions.
Paper 2: A 30-minute Creative Writing task.
Exam Date:
Registration Starts:
Registration Closes:
September 2024
June 2024
The results of the second stage Entrance Examination will be emailed to candidates in October.
How to prepare:
We run specialist 11+ online courses focussing on the Selective Eligibility Test (Maths and English). The sessions are online and highly interactive. Speak to us about how we can help your child.
Mock Exams: Our mock exams are designed to reflect the real exam in complexity and format. Click here to view the mock exam schedule.
Practice Papers: Practice packs designed to help your child master the entire syllabus.